CMX: Cross-Modal Fusion for RGB-X Semantic Segmentation with Transformers

9 Mar 2022  ยท  Jiaming Zhang, Huayao Liu, Kailun Yang, Xinxin Hu, Ruiping Liu, Rainer Stiefelhagen ยท

Scene understanding based on image segmentation is a crucial component of autonomous vehicles. Pixel-wise semantic segmentation of RGB images can be advanced by exploiting complementary features from the supplementary modality (X-modality). However, covering a wide variety of sensors with a modality-agnostic model remains an unresolved problem due to variations in sensor characteristics among different modalities. Unlike previous modality-specific methods, in this work, we propose a unified fusion framework, CMX, for RGB-X semantic segmentation. To generalize well across different modalities, that often include supplements as well as uncertainties, a unified cross-modal interaction is crucial for modality fusion. Specifically, we design a Cross-Modal Feature Rectification Module (CM-FRM) to calibrate bi-modal features by leveraging the features from one modality to rectify the features of the other modality. With rectified feature pairs, we deploy a Feature Fusion Module (FFM) to perform sufficient exchange of long-range contexts before mixing. To verify CMX, for the first time, we unify five modalities complementary to RGB, i.e., depth, thermal, polarization, event, and LiDAR. Extensive experiments show that CMX generalizes well to diverse multi-modal fusion, achieving state-of-the-art performances on five RGB-Depth benchmarks, as well as RGB-Thermal, RGB-Polarization, and RGB-LiDAR datasets. Besides, to investigate the generalizability to dense-sparse data fusion, we establish an RGB-Event semantic segmentation benchmark based on the EventScape dataset, on which CMX sets the new state-of-the-art. The source code of CMX is publicly available at

PDF Abstract
Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
Semantic Segmentation Cityscapes val CMX (B4) mIoU 82.6 # 31
Semantic Segmentation Cityscapes val CMX (B2) mIoU 81.6 # 37
Semantic Segmentation DDD17 CMX mIoU 71.88 # 2
Semantic Segmentation DeLiVER CMX (RGB-LiDAR) mIoU 56.37 # 6
Semantic Segmentation DeLiVER CMX (RGB-Depth) mIoU 62.67 # 3
Semantic Segmentation DeLiVER CMX (RGB-Event) mIoU 56.52 # 5
Semantic Segmentation DSEC CMX mIoU 72.42 # 2
Semantic Segmentation Event-based Segmentation Dataset CMX mIoU 85.81 # 2
Semantic Segmentation EventScape CMX (B2) mIoU 61.90 # 2
Semantic Segmentation EventScape CMX (B4) mIoU 64.28 # 1
Multispectral Object Detection FLIR CMX mAP50 82.2% # 1
Semantic Segmentation GAMUS CMX mIoU 75.23 # 2
Semantic Segmentation KITTI-360 CMX (RGB-LiDAR) mIoU 64.31 # 3
Semantic Segmentation KITTI-360 CMX (RGB-Depth) mIoU 64.43 # 2
Semantic Segmentation LLRGBD-synthetic CMX (SegFormer-B2) mIoU 66.52 # 3
Thermal Image Segmentation MFN Dataset CMX (B2) mIOU 58.2 # 10
Thermal Image Segmentation MFN Dataset CMX (B4) mIOU 59.7 # 4
Thermal Image Segmentation Noisy RS RGB-T Dataset CMX (B4) mIoU 56.1 # 3
Semantic Segmentation NYU Depth v2 CMX (B5) Mean IoU 56.9% # 10
Semantic Segmentation NYU Depth v2 CMX (B4) Mean IoU 56.3% # 14
Semantic Segmentation NYU Depth v2 CMX (B2) Mean IoU 54.4% # 21
Thermal Image Segmentation RGB-T-Glass-Segmentation CMX MAE 0.029 # 2
Semantic Segmentation ScanNetV2 CMX Mean IoU 61.3% # 1
Semantic Segmentation SELMA CMX mIoU 91.7 # 1
Semantic Segmentation SpectralWaste CMX (RGB-HYPER) mIoU 58.2 # 1
Semantic Segmentation SpectralWaste CMX ( RGB-HYPER3 ) mIoU 56.6 # 2
Semantic Segmentation Stanford2D3D - RGBD CMX (SegFormer-B4) mIoU 62.1 # 1
Pixel Accuracy 82.6 # 2
Semantic Segmentation Stanford2D3D - RGBD CMX (SegFormer-B2) mIoU 61.2 # 2
Pixel Accuracy 82.3 # 3
Semantic Segmentation SUN-RGBD CMX (B4) Mean IoU 52.1% # 8
Semantic Segmentation SUN-RGBD DPLNet Mean IoU 49.7% # 15
Semantic Segmentation SUN-RGBD CMX (B5) Mean IoU 52.4% # 7
Semantic Segmentation UPLight CMX (B2 RGB-DoLP) mIoU 92.07 # 3
Semantic Segmentation UPLight CMX (B2 RGB-AoLP) mIoU 92.13 # 2
Semantic Segmentation ZJU-RGB-P CMX (B4 RGB-AoLP) mIoU 92.6 # 2
Semantic Segmentation ZJU-RGB-P CMX (B2 RGB-DoLP) mIoU 92.2 # 4

Results from Other Papers

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Source Paper Compare
Thermal Image Segmentation KP day-night CMX mIoU 46.2 # 3


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