Highlight Detection

27 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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2 papers

Most implemented papers

QVHighlights: Detecting Moments and Highlights in Videos via Natural Language Queries

jayleicn/moment_detr 20 Jul 2021

Each video in the dataset is annotated with: (1) a human-written free-form NL query, (2) relevant moments in the video w. r. t.

Correlation-guided Query-Dependency Calibration in Video Representation Learning for Temporal Grounding

wjun0830/cgdetr 15 Nov 2023

Dummy tokens conditioned by text query take portions of the attention weights, preventing irrelevant video clips from being represented by the text query.

AENet: Learning Deep Audio Features for Video Analysis

znaoya/aenet 3 Jan 2017

Instead, combining visual features with our AENet features, which can be computed efficiently on a GPU, leads to significant performance improvements on action recognition and video highlight detection.

Video Highlights Detection and Summarization with Lag-Calibration based on Concept-Emotion Mapping of Crowd-sourced Time-Sync Comments

ChanningPing/VideoHighlightDetection 7 Aug 2017

With the prevalence of video sharing, there are increasing demands for automatic video digestion such as highlight detection.

PHD-GIFs: Personalized Highlight Detection for Automatic GIF Creation

gyglim/personalized-highlights-dataset 18 Apr 2018

Highlight detection models are typically trained to identify cues that make visual content appealing or interesting for the general public, with the objective of reducing a video to such moments.

Single Image Highlight Removal with a Sparse and Low-Rank Reflection Model

dingguanglei/SLRR-SparseAndLowRankReflectionModel ECCV 2018

We propose a sparse and low-rank reflection model for specular highlight detection and removal using a single input image.

SoccerDB: A Large-Scale Database for Comprehensive Video Understanding

newsdata/SoccerDB 10 Dec 2019

Soccer videos can serve as a perfect research object for video understanding because soccer games are played under well-defined rules while complex and intriguing enough for researchers to study.

Adaptive Video Highlight Detection by Learning from User History

mrochan/adaptive-highlight ECCV 2020

In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective framework that learns to adapt highlight detection to a user by exploiting the user's history in the form of highlights that the user has previously created.

Learning to Detect Specular Highlights from Real-world Images

fu123456/SHDNet 10 Oct 2020

Specular highlight detection is a challenging problem, and has many applications such as shiny object detection and light source estimation.

A Multi-Task Network for Joint Specular Highlight Detection and Removal

fu123456/SHIQ CVPR 2021

Specular highlight detection and removal are fundamental and challenging tasks.