motion prediction

191 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 13 datasets

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Shifts: A Dataset of Real Distributional Shift Across Multiple Large-Scale Tasks

yandex-research/shifts 15 Jul 2021

However, many tasks of practical interest have different modalities, such as tabular data, audio, text, or sensor data, which offer significant challenges involving regression and discrete or continuous structured prediction.

MotionCNN: A Strong Baseline for Motion Prediction in Autonomous Driving

stepankonev/MotionCNN-Waymo-Open-Motion-Dataset 5 Jun 2022

To plan a safe and efficient route, an autonomous vehicle should anticipate future motions of other agents around it.

MPA: MultiPath++ Based Architecture for Motion Prediction

stepankonev/waymo-motion-prediction-chalenge-2022-multipath-plus-plus 20 Jun 2022

Autonomous driving technology is developing rapidly and nowadays first autonomous rides are being provided in city areas.

RedMotion: Motion Prediction via Redundancy Reduction

kit-mrt/road-barlow-twins 19 Jun 2023

We introduce RedMotion, a transformer model for motion prediction in self-driving vehicles that learns environment representations via redundancy reduction.

Peeking into the Future: Predicting Future Person Activities and Locations in Videos

google/next-prediction CVPR 2019

To facilitate the training, the network is learned with an auxiliary task of predicting future location in which the activity will happen.

What the Constant Velocity Model Can Teach Us About Pedestrian Motion Prediction

cschoeller/constant_velocity_pedestrian_motion 19 Mar 2019

Our work shows how neural networks for pedestrian motion prediction can be thoroughly evaluated and our results indicate which research directions for neural motion prediction are promising in future.

3D BAT: A Semi-Automatic, Web-based 3D Annotation Toolbox for Full-Surround, Multi-Modal Data Streams

walzimmer/3d-bat 1 May 2019

In this paper, we focus on obtaining 2D and 3D labels, as well as track IDs for objects on the road with the help of a novel 3D Bounding Box Annotation Toolbox (3D BAT).

MotionNet: Joint Perception and Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving Based on Bird's Eye View Maps

pxiangwu/MotionNet CVPR 2020

The backbone of MotionNet is a novel spatio-temporal pyramid network, which extracts deep spatial and temporal features in a hierarchical fashion.

Generative Model-Enhanced Human Motion Prediction

bouracha/OoDMotion 5 Oct 2020

The task of predicting human motion is complicated by the natural heterogeneity and compositionality of actions, necessitating robustness to distributional shifts as far as out-of-distribution (OoD).

Latent Variable Sequential Set Transformers For Joint Multi-Agent Motion Prediction

roggirg/AutoBots ICLR 2022

AutoBots can produce either the trajectory of one ego-agent or a distribution over the future trajectories for all agents in the scene.