Deep Tabular Learning

Network On Network (NON) is practical tabular data classification model based on deep neural network to provide accurate predictions. Various deep methods have been proposed and promising progress has been made. However, most of them use operations like neural network and factorization machines to fuse the embeddings of different features directly, and linearly combine the outputs of those operations to get the final prediction. As a result, the intra-field information and the non-linear interactions between those operations (e.g. neural network and factorization machines) are ignored. Intra-field information is the information that features inside each field belong to the same field. NON is proposed to take full advantage of intra-field information and non-linear interactions. It consists of three components: field-wise network at the bottom to capture the intra-field information, across field network in the middle to choose suitable operations data-drivenly, and operation fusion network on the top to fuse outputs of the chosen operations deeply

Source: Network On Network for Tabular Data Classification in Real-world Applications


Paper Code Results Date Stars


Task Papers Share
Federated Learning 10 3.82%
Language Modelling 8 3.05%
Clustering 8 3.05%
Reinforcement Learning (RL) 7 2.67%
Management 6 2.29%
Decision Making 6 2.29%
Classification 5 1.91%
Time Series Analysis 5 1.91%
Retrieval 4 1.53%


Component Type
🤖 No Components Found You can add them if they exist; e.g. Mask R-CNN uses RoIAlign
