2D Semantic Segmentation

38 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 57 datasets

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Most implemented papers

xBD: A Dataset for Assessing Building Damage from Satellite Imagery

DIUx-xView/xview2-baseline 21 Nov 2019

xBD is the largest building damage assessment dataset to date, containing 850, 736 building annotations across 45, 362 km\textsuperscript{2} of imagery.

Realtime Global Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation

dunknowcoding/RGANet 24 Dec 2021

In this paper, we proposed an end-to-end realtime global attention neural network (RGANet) for the challenging task of semantic segmentation.

Cross-task Attention Mechanism for Dense Multi-task Learning

cv-rits/densemtl 17 Jun 2022

Multi-task learning has recently become a promising solution for a comprehensive understanding of complex scenes.

SERNet-Former: Semantic Segmentation by Efficient Residual Network with Attention-Boosting Gates and Attention-Fusion Networks

serdarch/SERNet-Former 28 Jan 2024

AfNs are designed to improve the efficiency in the one-to-one conversion of the semantic information by deploying additional convolution layers in the decoder part.

Normalization in Training U-Net for 2D Biomedical Semantic Segmentation

XiaoYunZhou27/UNet-with-BN-GN-IN-LN 11 Sep 2018

In this paper, four normalization methods - BN, IN, LN and GN are compared in details, specifically for 2D biomedical semantic segmentation.

See and Think: Disentangling Semantic Scene Completion

ShiceLiu/SATNet NeurIPS 2018

Semantic scene completion predicts volumetric occupancy and object category of a 3D scene, which helps intelligent agents to understand and interact with the surroundings.

3D-MiniNet: Learning a 2D Representation from Point Clouds for Fast and Efficient 3D LIDAR Semantic Segmentation

Shathe/3D-MiniNet 25 Feb 2020

Fast and efficient semantic segmentation methods are needed to match the strong computational and temporal restrictions of many of these real-world applications.

Building Disaster Damage Assessment in Satellite Imagery with Multi-Temporal Fusion

ethanweber/xview2 12 Apr 2020

Automatic change detection and disaster damage assessment are currently procedures requiring a huge amount of labor and manual work by satellite imagery analysts.

SofGAN: A Portrait Image Generator with Dynamic Styling

apchenstu/sofgan 7 Jul 2020

To address this issue, we propose a SofGAN image generator to decouple the latent space of portraits into two subspaces: a geometry space and a texture space.

Virtual Multi-view Fusion for 3D Semantic Segmentation

YanjieZe/Virtual-Multi-View-Fusion ECCV 2020

Features from multiple per view predictions are finally fused on 3D mesh vertices to predict mesh semantic segmentation labels.