graph construction

159 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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3 papers
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Scalable Topological Data Analysis and Visualization for Evaluating Data-Driven Models in Scientific Applications

rushilanirudh/icf-jag-cycleGAN 19 Jul 2019

With the rapid adoption of machine learning techniques for large-scale applications in science and engineering comes the convergence of two grand challenges in visualization.

ICDM 2019 Knowledge Graph Contest: Team UWA

Michael-Stewart-Webdev/text2kg-visualisation 4 Sep 2019

We present an overview of our triple extraction system for the ICDM 2019 Knowledge Graph Contest.

Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Multi-Stream Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks

lshiwjx/2s-AGCN 15 Dec 2019

Second, the second-order information of the skeleton data, i. e., the length and orientation of the bones, is rarely investigated, which is naturally more informative and discriminative for the human action recognition.

Auto-Encoding Twin-Bottleneck Hashing

ymcidence/TBH CVPR 2020

One bottleneck (i. e., binary codes) conveys the high-level intrinsic data structure captured by the code-driven graph to the other (i. e., continuous variables for low-level detail information), which in turn propagates the updated network feedback for the encoder to learn more discriminative binary codes.

Deep Relational Reasoning Graph Network for Arbitrary Shape Text Detection


In this paper, we propose a novel unified relational reasoning graph network for arbitrary shape text detection.

Robust Point Cloud Registration Framework Based on Deep Graph Matching

fukexue/RGM CVPR 2021

In this paper, we propose a novel deep graph matchingbased framework for point cloud registration.

ABCD: A Graph Framework to Convert Complex Sentences to a Covering Set of Simple Sentences

serenayj/ABCD-ACL2021 ACL 2021

On DeSSE, which has a more even balance of complex sentence types, our model achieves higher accuracy on the number of atomic sentences than an encoder-decoder baseline.

Molformer: Motif-based Transformer on 3D Heterogeneous Molecular Graphs

smiles724/molformer 4 Oct 2021

Then HMGs are constructed with both atom-level and motif-level nodes.

Outlining and Filling: Hierarchical Query Graph Generation for Answering Complex Questions over Knowledge Graphs

bahuia/hgnet 1 Nov 2021

The high-level decoding generates an AQG as a constraint to prune the search space and reduce the locally ambiguous query graph.

On Analyzing the Role of Image for Visual-enhanced Relation Extraction

zjunlp/DeepKE 14 Nov 2022

Multimodal relation extraction is an essential task for knowledge graph construction.