
421 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Goal Misgeneralization in Deep Reinforcement Learning

JacobPfau/procgenAISC 28 May 2021

We study goal misgeneralization, a type of out-of-distribution generalization failure in reinforcement learning (RL).

WizMap: Scalable Interactive Visualization for Exploring Large Machine Learning Embeddings

poloclub/wizmap 15 Jun 2023

Machine learning models often learn latent embedding representations that capture the domain semantics of their training data.

Jelly Bean World: A Testbed for Never-Ending Learning

eaplatanios/jelly-bean-world ICLR 2020

Never-ending learning is a machine learning paradigm that aims to bridge this gap, with the goal of encouraging researchers to design machine learning systems that can learn to perform a wider variety of inter-related tasks in more complex environments.

Deep Reinforcement learning for real autonomous mobile robot navigation in indoor environments

RoblabWh/RobLearn 28 May 2020

In this paper we present our proof of concept for autonomous self-learning robot navigation in an unknown environment for a real robot without a map or planner.

HOLMES: Health OnLine Model Ensemble Serving for Deep Learning Models in Intensive Care Units

hsd1503/HOLMES 10 Aug 2020

HOLMES is tested on risk prediction task on pediatric cardio ICU data with above 95% prediction accuracy and sub-second latency on 64-bed simulation.

AutoTrans: Automating Transformer Design via Reinforced Architecture Search

arampacha/reformer_fastai 4 Sep 2020

Though the transformer architectures have shown dominance in many natural language understanding tasks, there are still unsolved issues for the training of transformer models, especially the need for a principled way of warm-up which has shown importance for stable training of a transformer, as well as whether the task at hand prefer to scale the attention product or not.

Extracting a Knowledge Base of Mechanisms from COVID-19 Papers

dwadden/dygiepp NAACL 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has spawned a diverse body of scientific literature that is challenging to navigate, stimulating interest in automated tools to help find useful knowledge.

Towards mental time travel: a hierarchical memory for reinforcement learning agents

deepmind/deepmind-research NeurIPS 2021

Agents with common memory architectures struggle to recall and integrate across multiple timesteps of a past event, or even to recall the details of a single timestep that is followed by distractor tasks.

ONCE: Boosting Content-based Recommendation with Both Open- and Closed-source Large Language Models

jyonn/once 11 May 2023

Personalized content-based recommender systems have become indispensable tools for users to navigate through the vast amount of content available on platforms like daily news websites and book recommendation services.

Virtual-to-real Deep Reinforcement Learning: Continuous Control of Mobile Robots for Mapless Navigation

m5823779/MotionPlannerUsingDDPG 1 Mar 2017

We present a learning-based mapless motion planner by taking the sparse 10-dimensional range findings and the target position with respect to the mobile robot coordinate frame as input and the continuous steering commands as output.