Short-term Object Interaction Anticipation

6 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

InternVideo-Ego4D: A Pack of Champion Solutions to Ego4D Challenges

opengvlab/ego4d-eccv2022-solutions 17 Nov 2022

In this report, we present our champion solutions to five tracks at Ego4D challenge.

ENIGMA-51: Towards a Fine-Grained Understanding of Human-Object Interactions in Industrial Scenarios

syscv/sam-hq 26 Sep 2023

ENIGMA-51 is a new egocentric dataset acquired in an industrial scenario by 19 subjects who followed instructions to complete the repair of electrical boards using industrial tools (e. g., electric screwdriver) and equipments (e. g., oscilloscope).

StillFast: An End-to-End Approach for Short-Term Object Interaction Anticipation

fpv-iplab/stillfast 8 Apr 2023

Anticipation problem has been studied considering different aspects such as predicting humans' locations, predicting hands and objects trajectories, and forecasting actions and human-object interactions.

Enhancing Next Active Object-based Egocentric Action Anticipation with Guided Attention

sanketsans/ganov2 22 May 2023

To this end, we propose a novel approach that applies a guided attention mechanism between the objects, and the spatiotemporal features extracted from video clips, enhancing the motion and contextual information, and further decoding the object-centric and motion-centric information to address the problem of STA in egocentric videos.

Guided Attention for Next Active Object @ EGO4D STA Challenge

sanketsans/ganov2 25 May 2023

In this technical report, we describe the Guided-Attention mechanism based solution for the short-term anticipation (STA) challenge for the EGO4D challenge.

InterDiff: Generating 3D Human-Object Interactions with Physics-Informed Diffusion

Sirui-Xu/InterDiff ICCV 2023

This paper addresses a novel task of anticipating 3D human-object interactions (HOIs).

AFF-ttention! Affordances and Attention models for Short-Term Object Interaction Anticipation

no code yet • 3 Jun 2024

Short-Term object-interaction Anticipation consists of detecting the location of the next-active objects, the noun and verb categories of the interaction, and the time to contact from the observation of egocentric video.