Video Generation

254 papers with code • 15 benchmarks • 14 datasets

( Various Video Generation Tasks. Gif credit: MaGViT )


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Most implemented papers

Train Sparsely, Generate Densely: Memory-efficient Unsupervised Training of High-resolution Temporal GAN

pfnet-research/tgan2 22 Nov 2018

Training of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) on a video dataset is a challenge because of the sheer size of the dataset and the complexity of each observation.

Video Generation from Single Semantic Label Map

junting/seg2vid CVPR 2019

This paper proposes the novel task of video generation conditioned on a SINGLE semantic label map, which provides a good balance between flexibility and quality in the generation process.

DwNet: Dense warp-based network for pose-guided human video generation

UBC-Computer-Vision-Group/DwNet 21 Oct 2019

In this paper, we focus on human motion transfer - generation of a video depicting a particular subject, observed in a single image, performing a series of motions exemplified by an auxiliary (driving) video.

VirtualConductor: Music-driven Conducting Video Generation System

ChenDelong1999/VirtualConductor 28 Jul 2021

In this demo, we present VirtualConductor, a system that can generate conducting video from any given music and a single user's image.

Diffusion Models: A Comprehensive Survey of Methods and Applications

YangLing0818/Diffusion-Models-Papers-Survey-Taxonomy 2 Sep 2022

This survey aims to provide a contextualized, in-depth look at the state of diffusion models, identifying the key areas of focus and pointing to potential areas for further exploration.

Make-A-Video: Text-to-Video Generation without Text-Video Data

lucidrains/make-a-video-pytorch 29 Sep 2022

We propose Make-A-Video -- an approach for directly translating the tremendous recent progress in Text-to-Image (T2I) generation to Text-to-Video (T2V).

Phenaki: Variable Length Video Generation From Open Domain Textual Description

lucidrains/phenaki-pytorch 5 Oct 2022

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a paper studies generating videos from time variable prompts.

Scalable Adaptive Computation for Iterative Generation

google-research/pix2seq 22 Dec 2022

We show how to leverage recurrence by conditioning the latent tokens at each forward pass of the reverse diffusion process with those from prior computation, i. e. latent self-conditioning.

MOSO: Decomposing MOtion, Scene and Object for Video Prediction

iva-mzsun/moso CVPR 2023

Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves new state-of-the-art performance on five challenging benchmarks for video prediction and unconditional video generation: BAIR, RoboNet, KTH, KITTI and UCF101.

Align your Latents: High-Resolution Video Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models

stability-ai/generative-models CVPR 2023

We first pre-train an LDM on images only; then, we turn the image generator into a video generator by introducing a temporal dimension to the latent space diffusion model and fine-tuning on encoded image sequences, i. e., videos.