Weakly Supervised 3D Detection

3 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 0 datasets

3D detection without using LiDAR annotations

Most implemented papers

Autolabeling 3D Objects with Differentiable Rendering of SDF Shape Priors

TRI-ML/sdflabel CVPR 2020

We present an automatic annotation pipeline to recover 9D cuboids and 3D shapes from pre-trained off-the-shelf 2D detectors and sparse LIDAR data.

WeakM3D: Towards Weakly Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection

spengliang/weakm3d ICLR 2022

This network is learned by minimizing our newly-proposed 3D alignment loss between the 3D box estimates and the corresponding RoI LiDAR points.

VSRD: Instance-Aware Volumetric Silhouette Rendering for Weakly Supervised 3D Object Detection

skmhrk1209/VSRD CVPR 2024

In the auto-labeling stage, we represent the surface of each instance as a signed distance field (SDF) and render its silhouette as an instance mask through our proposed instance-aware volumetric silhouette rendering.