Search Results for author: Adam N. Elmachtoub

Found 7 papers, 5 papers with code

Balanced Off-Policy Evaluation for Personalized Pricing

2 code implementations24 Feb 2023 Adam N. Elmachtoub, Vishal Gupta, Yunfan Zhao

We consider a personalized pricing problem in which we have data consisting of feature information, historical pricing decisions, and binary realized demand.

Off-policy evaluation

Market Segmentation Trees

1 code implementation4 Jun 2019 Ali Aouad, Adam N. Elmachtoub, Kris J. Ferreira, Ryan McNellis

We seek to provide an interpretable framework for segmenting users in a population for personalized decision-making.


Generalization Bounds in the Predict-then-Optimize Framework

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Othman El Balghiti, Adam N. Elmachtoub, Paul Grigas, Ambuj Tewari

A natural loss function in this environment is to consider the cost of the decisions induced by the predicted parameters, in contrast to the prediction error of the parameters.

Generalization Bounds

Smart "Predict, then Optimize"

1 code implementation22 Oct 2017 Adam N. Elmachtoub, Paul Grigas

Our SPO+ loss function can tractably handle any polyhedral, convex, or even mixed-integer optimization problem with a linear objective.

Portfolio Optimization

A Practical Method for Solving Contextual Bandit Problems Using Decision Trees

no code implementations14 Jun 2017 Adam N. Elmachtoub, Ryan McNellis, Sechan Oh, Marek Petrik

We propose a new method for the contextual bandit problem that is simple, practical, and can be applied with little or no domain expertise.

Thompson Sampling

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