Search Results for author: Alessandro D'Innocenzo

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Learning Markov models of fading channels in wireless control networks: a regression trees based approach

no code implementations27 Apr 2021 Luis Felipe Florenzan Reyes, Francesco Smarra, Yuriy Zacchia Lun, Alessandro D'Innocenzo

Finite-state Markov models are widely used for modeling wireless channels affected by a variety of non-idealities, ranging from shadowing to interference.


Sufficient Lyapunov conditions for exponential mean square stability of discrete-time systems with markovian delays (extended version)

no code implementations26 Apr 2021 Anastasia Impicciatore, Maria Teresa Grifa, Pierdomenico Pepe, Alessandro D'Innocenzo

This paper introduces sufficient Lyapunov conditions guaranteeing exponential mean square stability of discrete-time systems with markovian delays.

NeurOpt: Neural network based optimization for building energy management and climate control

no code implementations L4DC 2020 Achin Jain, Francesco Smarra, Enrico Reticcioli, Alessandro D'Innocenzo, Manfred Morari

Model predictive control (MPC) can provide significant energy cost savings in building operations in the form of energy-efficient control with better occupant comfort, lower peak demand charges, and risk-free participation in demand response.

energy management Management +1

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