Search Results for author: Andreas Schwarz

Found 9 papers, 1 papers with code

Bi-Linear Homogeneity Enforced Calibration for Pipelined ADCs

no code implementations6 Sep 2023 Matthias Wagner, Oliver Lang, Esmaeil Kavousi Ghafi, Andreas Schwarz, Mario Huemer

In our previous work, we proposed the homogeneity enforced calibration (HEC) approach, which circumvents this need by consecutively feeding a test signal and a scaled version of it into the ADC.

Personalized Predictive ASR for Latency Reduction in Voice Assistants

no code implementations23 May 2023 Andreas Schwarz, Di He, Maarten Van Segbroeck, Mohammed Hethnawi, Ariya Rastrow

Streaming Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) in voice assistants can utilize prefetching to partially hide the latency of response generation.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Comment on "On the Extraction of Purely Motor EEG Neural Correlates during an Upper Limb Visuomotor Task"

no code implementations22 Jul 2022 Patrick Ofner, Joana Pereira, Reinmar Kobler, Andreas Schwarz, Gernot R. Müller-Putz

Bibian et al. show in their recent paper (Bibi\'an et al. 2021) that eye and head movements can affect the EEG-based classification in a reaching motor task.

Classification EEG

Multi-channel Opus compression for far-field automatic speech recognition with a fixed bitrate budget

no code implementations15 Jun 2021 Lukas Drude, Jahn Heymann, Andreas Schwarz, Jean-Marc Valin

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) in the cloud allows the use of larger models and more powerful multi-channel signal processing front-ends compared to on-device processing.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +1

Improving RNN-T ASR Accuracy Using Context Audio

no code implementations20 Nov 2020 Andreas Schwarz, Ilya Sklyar, Simon Wiesler

We present a training scheme for streaming automatic speech recognition (ASR) based on recurrent neural network transducers (RNN-T) which allows the encoder network to learn to exploit context audio from a stream, using segmented or partially labeled sequences of the stream during training.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +1

Coherent-to-Diffuse Power Ratio Estimation for Dereverberation

1 code implementation12 Feb 2015 Andreas Schwarz, Walter Kellermann

Several novel unbiased CDR estimators are proposed, and it is shown that knowledge of either the direction of arrival (DOA) of the target source or the coherence of the noise field is sufficient for unbiased CDR estimation.


Spatial Diffuseness Features for DNN-Based Speech Recognition in Noisy and Reverberant Environments

no code implementations9 Oct 2014 Andreas Schwarz, Christian Huemmer, Roland Maas, Walter Kellermann

We propose a spatial diffuseness feature for deep neural network (DNN)-based automatic speech recognition to improve recognition accuracy in reverberant and noisy environments.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +1

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