Search Results for author: Aritra Ghosh

Found 17 papers, 12 papers with code

Balancing Test Accuracy and Security in Computerized Adaptive Testing

1 code implementation18 May 2023 Wanyong Feng, Aritra Ghosh, Stephen Sireci, Andrew S. Lan

Computerized adaptive testing (CAT) is a form of personalized testing that accurately measures students' knowledge levels while reducing test length.

Bilevel Optimization Question Selection

A Conceptual Model for End-to-End Causal Discovery in Knowledge Tracing

1 code implementation11 May 2023 Nischal Ashok Kumar, Wanyong Feng, Jaewook Lee, Hunter McNichols, Aritra Ghosh, Andrew Lan

In this paper, we take a preliminary step towards solving the problem of causal discovery in knowledge tracing, i. e., finding the underlying causal relationship among different skills from real-world student response data.

Causal Discovery Knowledge Tracing

Automated Scoring for Reading Comprehension via In-context BERT Tuning

1 code implementation19 May 2022 Nigel Fernandez, Aritra Ghosh, Naiming Liu, Zichao Wang, Benoît Choffin, Richard Baraniuk, Andrew Lan

Our approach, in-context BERT fine-tuning, produces a single shared scoring model for all items with a carefully-designed input structure to provide contextual information on each item.

Reading Comprehension

DiPS: Differentiable Policy for Sketching in Recommender Systems

no code implementations8 Dec 2021 Aritra Ghosh, Saayan Mitra, Andrew Lan

In sequential recommender system applications, it is important to develop models that can capture users' evolving interest over time to successfully recommend future items that they are likely to interact with.

Sequential Recommendation

BOBCAT: Bilevel Optimization-Based Computerized Adaptive Testing

2 code implementations17 Aug 2021 Aritra Ghosh, Andrew Lan

Computerized adaptive testing (CAT) refers to a form of tests that are personalized to every student/test taker.

Bilevel Optimization Question Selection

Do We Really Need Gold Samples for Sample Weighting Under Label Noise?

2 code implementations19 Apr 2021 Aritra Ghosh, Andrew Lan

Consequently, several recently proposed methods, such as Meta-Weight-Net (MW-Net), use a small number of unbiased, clean samples to learn a weighting function that downweights samples that are likely to have corrupted labels under the meta-learning framework.


Contrastive Learning Improves Model Robustness Under Label Noise

1 code implementation19 Apr 2021 Aritra Ghosh, Andrew Lan

One common type of method that can mitigate the impact of label noise can be viewed as supervised robust methods; one can simply replace the CCE loss with a loss that is robust to label noise, or re-weight training samples and down-weight those with higher loss values.

Contrastive Learning Image Classification

Option Tracing: Beyond Correctness Analysis in Knowledge Tracing

2 code implementations19 Apr 2021 Aritra Ghosh, Jay Raspat, Andrew Lan

Knowledge tracing refers to a family of methods that estimate each student's knowledge component/skill mastery level from their past responses to questions.

Knowledge Tracing Multiple-choice +1

Option Tracing: Beyond Binary Knowledge Tracing

1 code implementation11 Dec 2020 Aritra Ghosh, Andrew S. Lan

This paper details our solutions to Tasks 1&2 of the NeurIPS 2020 Education Challenge. 1 Knowledge tracing, a family of methods to estimate each student’s mastery levels on skills/knowledge components from their past responses to assessment questions, is useful for progress monitoring, personalization, and helping teachers to deliver personalized and targeted feedback to students to improve their learning outcomes.

Knowledge Tracing Multiple-choice

Context-Aware Attentive Knowledge Tracing

1 code implementation24 Jul 2020 Aritra Ghosh, Neil Heffernan, Andrew S. Lan

We also conduct several case studies and show that AKT exhibits excellent interpretability and thus has potential for automated feedback and personalization in real-world educational settings.

Knowledge Tracing

Galaxy Morphology Network: A Convolutional Neural Network Used to Study Morphology and Quenching in $\sim 100,000$ SDSS and $\sim 20,000$ CANDELS Galaxies

1 code implementation25 Jun 2020 Aritra Ghosh, C. Megan Urry, Zhengdong Wang, Kevin Schawinski, Dennis Turp, Meredith C. Powell

This inferred difference in quenching mechanism is in agreement with previous studies that used other morphology classification techniques on much smaller samples at $z\sim0$ and $z\sim1$.

Astrophysics of Galaxies Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics

Optimal Bidding Strategy without Exploration in Real-time Bidding

no code implementations31 Mar 2020 Aritra Ghosh, Saayan Mitra, Somdeb Sarkhel, Viswanathan Swaminathan

Earlier works on optimal bidding strategy apply model-based batch reinforcement learning methods which can not generalize to unknown budget and time constraint.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Scalable Bid Landscape Forecasting in Real-time Bidding

no code implementations18 Jan 2020 Aritra Ghosh, Saayan Mitra, Somdeb Sarkhel, Jason Xie, Gang Wu, Viswanathan Swaminathan

The highest bidding advertiser wins but pays only the second-highest bid (known as the winning price).


Robust Loss Functions under Label Noise for Deep Neural Networks

1 code implementation27 Dec 2017 Aritra Ghosh, Himanshu Kumar, P. S. Sastry

For binary classification there exist theoretical results on loss functions that are robust to label noise.

Binary Classification Classification +1

On the Robustness of Decision Tree Learning under Label Noise

no code implementations20 May 2016 Aritra Ghosh, Naresh Manwani, P. S. Sastry

In most practical problems of classifier learning, the training data suffers from the label noise.

Making Risk Minimization Tolerant to Label Noise

no code implementations14 Mar 2014 Aritra Ghosh, Naresh Manwani, P. S. Sastry

Through extensive empirical studies, we show that risk minimization under the $0-1$ loss, the sigmoid loss and the ramp loss has much better robustness to label noise when compared to the SVM algorithm.

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