Search Results for author: Brian D. Williamson

Found 3 papers, 3 papers with code

Practical considerations for variable screening in the Super Learner

1 code implementation6 Nov 2023 Brian D. Williamson, Drew King, Ying Huang

However, the performance of a Super Learner using the lasso for dimension reduction has not been fully explored in cases where the lasso is known to perform poorly.

Dimensionality Reduction

Efficient nonparametric statistical inference on population feature importance using Shapley values

3 code implementations ICML 2020 Brian D. Williamson, Jean Feng

The true population-level importance of a variable in a prediction task provides useful knowledge about the underlying data-generating mechanism and can help in deciding which measurements to collect in subsequent experiments.

Feature Importance Mortality Prediction +1

A general framework for inference on algorithm-agnostic variable importance

3 code implementations7 Apr 2020 Brian D. Williamson, Peter B. Gilbert, Noah R. Simon, Marco Carone

In many applications, it is of interest to assess the relative contribution of features (or subsets of features) toward the goal of predicting a response -- in other words, to gauge the variable importance of features.


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