Search Results for author: Damian Brzyski

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Machine Learning and Statistical Approaches to Measuring Similarity of Political Parties

no code implementations5 Jun 2023 Daria Boratyn, Damian Brzyski, Beata Kosowska-Gąstoł, Jan Rybicki, Wojciech Słomczyński, Dariusz Stolicki

Mapping political party systems to metric policy spaces is one of the major methodological problems in political science.

A Sparsity Inducing Nuclear-Norm Estimator (SpINNEr) for Matrix-Variate Regression in Brain Connectivity Analysis

1 code implementation30 Jan 2020 Damian Brzyski, Xixi Hu, Joaquin Goni, Beau Ances, Timothy W. Randolph, Jaroslaw Harezlak

We present an alternative approach - regularized matrix regression - where the matrix of regression coefficients is defined as a solution to the specific optimization problem.


Group SLOPE - adaptive selection of groups of predictors

1 code implementation17 Oct 2016 Damian Brzyski, Alexej Gossmann, Weijie Su, Malgorzata Bogdan

Sorted L-One Penalized Estimation (SLOPE) is a relatively new convex optimization procedure which allows for adaptive selection of regressors under sparse high dimensional designs.

Methodology 46N10 G.1.6

Fast Saddle-Point Algorithm for Generalized Dantzig Selector and FDR Control with the Ordered l1-Norm

no code implementations18 Nov 2015 Sangkyun Lee, Damian Brzyski, Malgorzata Bogdan

In this paper we propose a primal-dual proximal extragradient algorithm to solve the generalized Dantzig selector (GDS) estimation problem, based on a new convex-concave saddle-point (SP) reformulation.

Variable Selection

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