Search Results for author: Deepak Singh

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Sparse Distributed Memory is a Continual Learner

1 code implementation20 Mar 2023 Trenton Bricken, Xander Davies, Deepak Singh, Dmitry Krotov, Gabriel Kreiman

Continual learning is a problem for artificial neural networks that their biological counterparts are adept at solving.

Continual Learning

Q-matrix Unaware Double JPEG Detection using DCT-Domain Deep BiLSTM Network

no code implementations10 Apr 2021 Vinay Verma, Deepak Singh, Nitin Khanna

A set of extensive experiments shows that the proposed system trained on a single dataset generalizes well on other datasets compressed with completely unseen quantization matrices and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in both seen and unseen quantization matrices scenarios.


Multi-Objective Evolutionary approach for the Performance Improvement of Learners using Ensembling Feature selection and Discretization Technique on Medical data

no code implementations16 Apr 2020 Deepak Singh, Dilip Singh Sisodia, Pradeep Singh

Biomedical data is filled with continuous real values; these values in the feature set tend to create problems like underfitting, the curse of dimensionality and increase in misclassification rate because of higher variance.

Dimensionality Reduction feature selection

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