Search Results for author: Enrico Camporeale

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

A Machine-Learning-Ready Dataset Prepared from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Mission

no code implementations4 Aug 2021 Carl Shneider, Andong Hu, Ajay K. Tiwari, Monica G. Bobra, Karl Battams, Jannis Teunissen, Enrico Camporeale

We present a Python tool to generate a standard dataset from solar images that allows for user-defined selection criteria and a range of pre-processing steps.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Toward a Next Generation Particle Precipitation Model: Mesoscale Prediction Through Machine Learning (a Case Study and Framework for Progress)

1 code implementation19 Nov 2020 Ryan M. McGranaghan, Jack Ziegler, Téo Bloch, Spencer Hatch, Enrico Camporeale, Kristina Lynch, Mathew Owens, Jesper Gjerloev, Binzheng Zhang, Susan Skone

We advance the modeling capability of electron particle precipitation from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere through a new database and use of machine learning (ML) tools to gain utility from those data.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Dynamic Time Lag Regression: Predicting What & When

1 code implementation ICLR 2020 Mandar Chandorkar, Cyril Furtlehner, Bala Poduval, Enrico Camporeale, Michele Sebag

DTLR differs from mainstream regression and from sequence-to-sequence learning in two respects: firstly, no ground truth (e. g., pairs of associated sub-sequences) is available; secondly, the cause signal contains much information irrelevant to the effect signal (the solar magnetic field governs the solar wind propagation in the heliosphere, of which the Earth's magnetosphere is but a minuscule region).


Estimation of Accurate and Calibrated Uncertainties in Deterministic models

no code implementations11 Mar 2020 Enrico Camporeale, Algo Carè

We show that for doing so, one has to compromise between the accuracy and the reliability (calibration) of such a probabilistic model.


Accuracy-Reliability Cost Function for Empirical Variance Estimation

no code implementations12 Mar 2018 Enrico Camporeale

In this paper we focus on the problem of assigning uncertainties to single-point predictions.


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