Search Results for author: Heecheol Kim

Found 8 papers, 1 papers with code

Multi-task real-robot data with gaze attention for dual-arm fine manipulation

no code implementations15 Jan 2024 Heecheol Kim, Yoshiyuki Ohmura, Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Additionally, this dataset includes visual attention signals as well as dual-action labels, a signal that separates actions into a robust reaching trajectory and precise interaction with objects, and language instructions to achieve robust and precise object manipulation.

Imitation Learning Object +1

Goal-conditioned dual-action imitation learning for dexterous dual-arm robot manipulation

no code implementations18 Mar 2022 Heecheol Kim, Yoshiyuki Ohmura, Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Long-horizon dexterous robot manipulation of deformable objects, such as banana peeling, is a problematic task because of the difficulties in object modeling and a lack of knowledge about stable and dexterous manipulation skills.

Imitation Learning Object +1

Memory-based gaze prediction in deep imitation learning for robot manipulation

no code implementations10 Feb 2022 Heecheol Kim, Yoshiyuki Ohmura, Yasuo Kuniyoshi

We propose that gaze prediction from sequential visual input enables the robot to perform a manipulation task that requires memory.

Gaze Estimation Gaze Prediction +2

Transformer-based deep imitation learning for dual-arm robot manipulation

no code implementations1 Aug 2021 Heecheol Kim, Yoshiyuki Ohmura, Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Deep imitation learning is promising for solving dexterous manipulation tasks because it does not require an environment model and pre-programmed robot behavior.

Imitation Learning Robot Manipulation

Gaze-based dual resolution deep imitation learning for high-precision dexterous robot manipulation

no code implementations2 Feb 2021 Heecheol Kim, Yoshiyuki Ohmura, Yasuo Kuniyoshi

The results of this study demonstrate that a deep imitation learning based method, inspired by the gaze-based dual resolution visuomotor control system in humans, can solve the needle threading task.

Computational Efficiency Imitation Learning +1

Macro Action Reinforcement Learning with Sequence Disentanglement using Variational Autoencoder

no code implementations22 Mar 2019 Heecheol Kim, Masanori Yamada, Kosuke Miyoshi, Hiroshi Yamakawa

Macro actions, a sequence of primitive actions, have been studied to diminish the dimensionality of the action space with regard to the time axis.

Disentanglement General Reinforcement Learning +2

FAVAE: Sequence Disentanglement using Information Bottleneck Principle

1 code implementation22 Feb 2019 Masanori Yamada, Heecheol Kim, Kosuke Miyoshi, Hiroshi Yamakawa

Previous models disentangle static and dynamic factors by explicitly modeling the priors of latent variables to distinguish between these factors.


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