Search Results for author: José Rui Figueira

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Exact and approximate determination of the Pareto set using minimal correction subsets

no code implementations14 Apr 2022 Andreia P. Guerreiro, João Cortes, Daniel Vanderpooten, Cristina Bazgan, Inês Lynce, Vasco Manquinho, José Rui Figueira

First, we show that it is possible to use MCS enumeration to solve MOBO problems such that each MCS necessarily corresponds to a Pareto-optimal solution.

Sparsifying Parity-Check Matrices

1 code implementation8 May 2020 Luís M. S. Russo, Tobias Dietz, José Rui Figueira, Alexandre P. Francisco, Stefan Ruzika

Parity check matrices (PCMs) are used to define linear error correcting codes and ensure reliable information transmission over noisy channels.

The {0,1}-knapsack problem with qualitative levels

no code implementations12 Feb 2020 Luca E. Schäfer, Tobias Dietz, Maria Barbati, José Rui Figueira, Salvatore Greco, Stefan Ruzika

A variant of the classical knapsack problem is considered in which each item is associated with an integer weight and a qualitative level.


A robust hierarchical nominal classification method based on similarity and dissimilarity using loss function and an improved version of the deck of cards method

no code implementations12 Dec 2018 Ana Sara Costa, Salvatore Corrente, Salvatore Greco, José Rui Figueira, José Borbinha

We propose also a procedure, based on the concept of loss function, to obtain a final classification fulfilling some requirements given by the decision maker and taking into account the hierarchy of criteria and the probabilistic assignments obtained applying SMAA.

Classification General Classification

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