Search Results for author: L

Found 18 papers, 2 papers with code

CEREBRUM‐7T: Fast and Fully Volumetric Brain Segmentation of 7 Tesla MR Volumes

1 code implementation Human Brain Mapping 2021 Svanera, M., Benini, S., Bontempi, D., Muckli, L

An essential step in many functional and structural neuroimaging studies is segmentation, the operation of partitioning the MR images in anatomical structures.

Brain Segmentation Segmentation

Apprendre de la litt\'erature scientifique : Les r\'eseaux de signalisation en biologie syst\'emique (Literature-based discovery: Signaling Systems in Systemic Biology)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2018 L, Flavie omiel, Cathy Gu{\'e}rineau, Anubhav Gupta, Denis Maurel, Anne Poupon

Cet article a pour but de montrer la faisabilit{\'e} d{'}un syst{\`e}me de fouille de texte pour alimenter un moteur d{'}inf{\'e}rences capable de construire, {\`a} partir de pr{\'e}dicats extraits des articles scientifiques, un r{\'e}seau de signalisation en biologie syst{\'e}mique.

Predicting failure of a mediated conversation in the context of asymetric role dialogues

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2018 Romain Carbou, Delphine Charlet, G{\'e}raldine Damnati, L, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric ragin, Jean L{\'e}on Bouraoui

In a human-to-human conversation between a user and his interlocutor in an assistance center, we suppose a context where the conclusion of the dialog can characterize a notion of success or failure, explicitly annotated or deduced.

Automatic Measures to Characterise Verbal Alignment in Human-Agent Interaction

1 code implementation WS 2017 Guillaume Dubuisson Duplessis, Chlo{\'e} Clavel, L, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric ragin

This work aims at characterising verbal alignment processes for improving virtual agent communicative capabilities.

Enhancing The RATP-DECODA Corpus With Linguistic Annotations For Performing A Large Range Of NLP Tasks

no code implementations LREC 2016 Carole Lailler, L, Ana{\"\i}s eau, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric B{\'e}chet, Yannick Est{\`e}ve, Paul Del{\'e}glise

In this article, we present the RATP-DECODA Corpus which is composed by a set of 67 hours of speech from telephone conversations of a Customer Care Service (CCS).

Semantic Parsing

Apprentissage automatique d'un mod\`ele de r\'esolution de la cor\'ef\'erence \`a partir de donn\'ees orales transcrites du fran\ccais : le syst\`eme CROC

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2015 Ad{\`e}le D{\'e}soyer, L, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric ragin, Isabelle Tellier

Cet article pr{\'e}sente CROC 1 (Coreference Resolution for Oral Corpus), un premier syst{\`e}me de r{\'e}solution des cor{\'e}f{\'e}rences en fran{\c{c}}ais reposant sur des techniques d{'}apprentissage automatique.


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