Search Results for author: Laura J. Brattain

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Improved Topological Preservation in 3D Axon Segmentation and Centerline Detection using Geometric Assessment-driven Topological Smoothing (GATS)

no code implementations7 Nov 2023 Nina I. Shamsi, Alex S. Xu, Lars A. Gjesteby, Laura J. Brattain

Our ablation study showed that geometric assessment of tubular structures achieved higher segmentation and centerline detection scores, and using average pooling for morphological smoothing in place of thinning algorithms reduced the Betti errors.

Line Detection Segmentation

Self-Supervised Feature Extraction for 3D Axon Segmentation

1 code implementation20 Apr 2020 Tzofi Klinghoffer, Peter Morales, Young-Gyun Park, Nicholas Evans, Kwanghun Chung, Laura J. Brattain

Existing learning-based methods to automatically trace axons in 3D brain imagery often rely on manually annotated segmentation labels.


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