Search Results for author: Lin Jiang

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Rankitect: Ranking Architecture Search Battling World-class Engineers at Meta Scale

no code implementations14 Nov 2023 Wei Wen, Kuang-Hung Liu, Igor Fedorov, Xin Zhang, Hang Yin, Weiwei Chu, Kaveh Hassani, Mengying Sun, Jiang Liu, Xu Wang, Lin Jiang, Yuxin Chen, Buyun Zhang, Xi Liu, Dehua Cheng, Zhengxing Chen, Guang Zhao, Fangqiu Han, Jiyan Yang, Yuchen Hao, Liang Xiong, Wen-Yen Chen

In industry system, such as ranking system in Meta, it is unclear whether NAS algorithms from the literature can outperform production baselines because of: (1) scale - Meta ranking systems serve billions of users, (2) strong baselines - the baselines are production models optimized by hundreds to thousands of world-class engineers for years since the rise of deep learning, (3) dynamic baselines - engineers may have established new and stronger baselines during NAS search, and (4) efficiency - the search pipeline must yield results quickly in alignment with the productionization life cycle.

Neural Architecture Search

Regulating CPU Temperature With Thermal-Aware Scheduling Using a Reduced Order Learning Thermal Model

no code implementations2 Oct 2023 Anthony Dowling, Lin Jiang, Ming-Cheng Cheng, Yu Liu

Additionally, we compare the performance of a state of the art TAS algorithm, RT-TAS, to our proposed POD-TAS algorithm.


Sudowoodo: a Chinese Lyric Imitation System with Source Lyrics

no code implementations9 Aug 2023 Yongzhu Chang, Rongsheng Zhang, Lin Jiang, Qihang Chen, Le Zhang, Jiashu Pu

In this paper, we introduce \textbf{\textit{Sudowoodo}}, a Chinese lyrics imitation system that can generate new lyrics based on the text of source lyrics.

Text Generation

Youling: an AI-Assisted Lyrics Creation System

no code implementations EMNLP 2020 Rongsheng Zhang, Xiaoxi Mao, Le Li, Lin Jiang, Lin Chen, Zhiwei Hu, Yadong Xi, Changjie Fan, Minlie Huang

In the lyrics generation process, \textit{Youling} supports traditional one pass full-text generation mode as well as an interactive generation mode, which allows users to select the satisfactory sentences from generated candidates conditioned on preceding context.

Text Generation

KuiLeiXi: a Chinese Open-Ended Text Adventure Game

no code implementations ACL 2021 Yadong Xi, Xiaoxi Mao, Le Li, Lei Lin, Yanjiang Chen, Shuhan Yang, Xuhan Chen, Kailun Tao, Zhi Li, Gongzheng li, Lin Jiang, Siyan Liu, Zeng Zhao, Minlie Huang, Changjie Fan, Zhipeng Hu

Equipped with GPT-2 and the latest GPT-3, AI Dungeon has been seen as a famous example of the powerful text generation capabilities of large-scale pre-trained language models, and a possibility for future games.

Story Generation

Aurora: Providing Trusted System Services for Enclaves On an Untrusted System

1 code implementation10 Feb 2018 Hongliang Liang, Mingyu Li, Qiong Zhang, Yue Yu, Lin Jiang, Yixiu Chen

Intel SGX provisions shielded executions for security-sensitive computation, but lacks support for trusted system services (TSS), such as clock, network and filesystem.

Cryptography and Security

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