Search Results for author: Lining Wang

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Data Representativeness in Accessibility Datasets: A Meta-Analysis

no code implementations16 Jul 2022 Rie Kamikubo, Lining Wang, Crystal Marte, Amnah Mahmood, Hernisa Kacorri

We examine the current state of representation within datasets sourced by people with disabilities by reviewing publicly-available information of 190 datasets, we call these accessibility datasets.


Temporal Action Proposal Generation with Background Constraint

1 code implementation15 Dec 2021 Haosen Yang, Wenhao Wu, Lining Wang, Sheng Jin, Boyang xia, Hongxun Yao, Hujie Huang

To evaluate the confidence of proposals, the existing works typically predict action score of proposals that are supervised by the temporal Intersection-over-Union (tIoU) between proposal and the ground-truth.

Temporal Action Proposal Generation

Temporal Action Proposal Generation with Transformers

no code implementations25 May 2021 Lining Wang, Haosen Yang, Wenhao Wu, Hongxun Yao, Hujie Huang

Conventionally, the temporal action proposal generation (TAPG) task is divided into two main sub-tasks: boundary prediction and proposal confidence prediction, which rely on the frame-level dependencies and proposal-level relationships separately.

Temporal Action Proposal Generation

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