Search Results for author: Patrick J. Wolfe

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

A Spectral Framework for Anomalous Subgraph Detection

no code implementations29 Jan 2014 Benjamin A. Miller, Michelle S. Beard, Patrick J. Wolfe, Nadya T. Bliss

Leveraging this analytical tool, we show that the framework has a natural power metric in the spectral norm of the anomalous subgraph's adjacency matrix (signal power) and of the background graph's residuals matrix (noise power).

Community Detection

Co-clustering separately exchangeable network data

no code implementations17 Dec 2012 David Choi, Patrick J. Wolfe

This article establishes the performance of stochastic blockmodels in addressing the co-clustering problem of partitioning a binary array into subsets, assuming only that the data are generated by a nonparametric process satisfying the condition of separate exchangeability.


Confidence Sets for Network Structure

no code implementations NeurIPS 2011 David S. Choi, Patrick J. Wolfe, Edo M. Airoldi

Latent variable models are frequently used to identify structure in dichotomous network data, in part because they give rise to a Bernoulli product likelihood that is both well understood and consistent with the notion of exchangeable random graphs.

Subgraph Detection Using Eigenvector L1 Norms

no code implementations NeurIPS 2010 Benjamin Miller, Nadya Bliss, Patrick J. Wolfe

When working with network datasets, the theoretical framework of detection theory for Euclidean vector spaces no longer applies.

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