Search Results for author: Peyman Hosseinzadeh Kassani

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

Automatic Polyp Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations22 Apr 2020 Sara Hosseinzadeh Kassani, Peyman Hosseinzadeh Kassani, Michal J. Wesolowski, Kevin A. Schneider, Ralph Deters

The risk of developing colorectal cancer could be reduced by early diagnosis of polyps during a colonoscopy.

A Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture for Leukemic B-lymphoblast Classification

no code implementations26 Sep 2019 Sara Hosseinzadeh Kassani, Peyman Hosseinzadeh Kassani, Michal J. Wesolowski, Kevin A. Schneider, Ralph Deters

Automatic detection of leukemic B-lymphoblast cancer in microscopic images is very challenging due to the complicated nature of histopathological structures.

Classification Data Augmentation +2

Multimodal Sparse Classifier for Adolescent Brain Age Prediction

no code implementations1 Apr 2019 Peyman Hosseinzadeh Kassani, Alexej Gossmann, Yu-Ping Wang

The study of healthy brain development helps to better understand the brain transformation and brain connectivity patterns which happen during childhood to adulthood.

Introducing a hybrid model of DEA and data mining in evaluating efficiency. Case study: Bank Branches

no code implementations10 Oct 2018 Sara Hosseinzadeh Kassani, Peyman Hosseinzadeh Kassani, Seyed Esmaeel Najafi

To achieve this purpose, this study presents an integrated approach based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Clustering algorithms and Polynomial Pattern Classifier for constructing a classifier to identify a class of bank branches.


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