Search Results for author: Rafael E. Banchs

Found 22 papers, 0 papers with code

Attention-based Semantic Priming for Slot-filling

no code implementations WS 2018 Jiewen Wu, Rafael E. Banchs, Luis Fern D{'}Haro, o, Pavitra Krishnaswamy, Nancy Chen

The problem of sequence labelling in language understanding would benefit from approaches inspired by semantic priming phenomena.

slot-filling Slot Filling +2

Report of NEWS 2018 Named Entity Transliteration Shared Task

no code implementations WS 2018 Nancy Chen, Rafael E. Banchs, Min Zhang, Xiangyu Duan, Haizhou Li

This report presents the results from the Named Entity Transliteration Shared Task conducted as part of The Seventh Named Entities Workshop (NEWS 2018) held at ACL 2018 in Melbourne, Australia.

Information Retrieval Transliteration

Squeezing bottlenecks: exploring the limits of autoencoder semantic representation capabilities

no code implementations13 Feb 2014 Parth Gupta, Rafael E. Banchs, Paolo Rosso

We present a comprehensive study on the use of autoencoders for modelling text data, in which (differently from previous studies) we focus our attention on the following issues: i) we explore the suitability of two different models bDA and rsDA for constructing deep autoencoders for text data at the sentence level; ii) we propose and evaluate two novel metrics for better assessing the text-reconstruction capabilities of autoencoders; and iii) we propose an automatic method to find the critical bottleneck dimensionality for text language representations (below which structural information is lost).


Evaluating Indirect Strategies for Chinese-Spanish Statistical Machine Translation

no code implementations4 Feb 2014 Marta R. Costa-jussà, Carlos A. Henríquez, Rafael E. Banchs

Although, Chinese and Spanish are two of the most spoken languages in the world, not much research has been done in machine translation for this language pair.

Machine Translation Translation

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