Search Results for author: Shutian Ma

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code


no code implementations EMNLP (sdp) 2020 Heng Zhang, Lifan Liu, Ruping Wang, Shaohu Hu, Shutian Ma, Chengzhi Zhang

Unlike the methods used in CL-SciSumm 2019, we construct inputs of models based on word vectors and add deep learning models for classification this year.

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Chronological Citation Recommendation with Time Preference

no code implementations19 Jan 2021 Shutian Ma, Heng Zhang, Chengzhi Zhang, Xiaozhong Liu

Citation recommendation is an important task to assist scholars in finding candidate literature to cite.

Citation Recommendation

Mapping the co-evolution of artificial intelligence, robotics, and the internet of things over 20 years (1998-2017)

no code implementations3 Jun 2020 Katy Börner, Olga Scrivner, Leonard E. Cross, Michael Gallant, Shutian Ma, Adam S. Martin, Elizabeth Record, Haici Yang, Jonathan M. Dilger

Understanding the emergence, co-evolution, and convergence of science and technology (S&T) areas offers competitive intelligence for researchers, managers, policy makers, and others.

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