Search Results for author: Teng Qiu

Found 10 papers, 0 papers with code

Clustering by Deep Nearest Neighbor Descent (D-NND): A Density-based Parameter-Insensitive Clustering Method

no code implementations7 Dec 2015 Teng Qiu, YongJie Li

A large bandwidth could lead to the over-smoothed density estimation in which the number of density peaks could be less than the true clusters, while a small bandwidth could lead to the under-smoothed density estimation in which spurious density peaks, or called the "ripple noise", would be generated in the estimated density.

Clustering Density Estimation

Clustering by Hierarchical Nearest Neighbor Descent (H-NND)

no code implementations9 Sep 2015 Teng Qiu, Yong-Jie Li

Due to some beautiful and effective features, this IT structure proves well suited for data clustering.


IT-Dendrogram: A New Member of the In-Tree (IT) Clustering Family

no code implementations29 Jul 2015 Teng Qiu, Yong-Jie Li

But if we can effectively map those IT structures into a visualized space in which the salient features of those undesired edges are preserved, then the undesired edges in the IT structures can still be visually determined in a visualization environment.


A general framework for the IT-based clustering methods

no code implementations19 Jun 2015 Teng Qiu, Yong-Jie Li

Previously, we proposed a physically inspired rule to organize the data points in a sparse yet effective structure, called the in-tree (IT) graph, which is able to capture a wide class of underlying cluster structures in the datasets, especially for the density-based datasets.


Nonparametric Nearest Neighbor Descent Clustering based on Delaunay Triangulation

no code implementations17 Feb 2015 Teng Qiu, Yong-Jie Li

In our physically inspired in-tree (IT) based clustering algorithm and the series after it, there is only one free parameter involved in computing the potential value of each point.


Clustering by Descending to the Nearest Neighbor in the Delaunay Graph Space

no code implementations16 Feb 2015 Teng Qiu, Yong-Jie Li

In our previous works, we proposed a physically-inspired rule to organize the data points into an in-tree (IT) structure, in which some undesired edges are allowed to occur.


IT-map: an Effective Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Method for Interactive Clustering

no code implementations26 Jan 2015 Teng Qiu, Yong-Jie Li

Scientists in many fields have the common and basic need of dimensionality reduction: visualizing the underlying structure of the massive multivariate data in a low-dimensional space.

Clustering Dimensionality Reduction

Clustering based on the In-tree Graph Structure and Affinity Propagation

no code implementations18 Jan 2015 Teng Qiu, Yong-Jie Li

A recently proposed clustering method, called the Nearest Descent (ND), can organize the whole dataset into a sparsely connected graph, called the In-tree.


An Effective Semi-supervised Divisive Clustering Algorithm

no code implementations24 Dec 2014 Teng Qiu, Yong-Jie Li

Nowadays, data are generated massively and rapidly from scientific fields as bioinformatics, neuroscience and astronomy to business and engineering fields.

Astronomy Clustering

Nearest Descent, In-Tree, and Clustering

no code implementations7 Dec 2014 Teng Qiu, Kai-Fu Yang, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li

In particular, the rule of ND works to select the nearest node in the descending direction of potential as the parent node of each node, which is in essence different from the classical Gradient Descent or Steepest Descent.


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