Search Results for author: Vince I. Madai

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Lost In Translation?

no code implementations28 Jul 2021 Vince I. Madai, David C. Higgins

This is a clear indication of failing translation due to shortcomings of the current approach to AI in healthcare.


The social dilemma in artificial intelligence development and why we have to solve it

no code implementations27 Jul 2021 Inga Strümke, Marija Slavkovik, Vince I. Madai

While the demand for ethical artificial intelligence (AI) systems increases, the number of unethical uses of AI accelerates, even though there is no shortage of ethical guidelines.


From Bit To Bedside: A Practical Framework For Artificial Intelligence Product Development In Healthcare

no code implementations23 Mar 2020 David Higgins, Vince I. Madai

Our framework highlights the risks, objectives and key results which are typically required to proceed through a three-phase process to the market launch of a validated medical AI product.

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