Search Results for author: Vojtěch Kovařík

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Revisiting Game Representations: The Hidden Costs of Efficiency in Sequential Decision-making Algorithms

no code implementations20 Dec 2021 Vojtěch Kovařík, David Milec, Michal Šustr, Dominik Seitz, Viliam Lisý

Recent advancements in algorithms for sequential decision-making under imperfect information have shown remarkable success in large games such as limit- and no-limit poker.

counterfactual Decision Making

(When) Is Truth-telling Favored in AI Debate?

no code implementations11 Nov 2019 Vojtěch Kovařík, Ryan Carey

For some problems, humans may not be able to accurately judge the goodness of AI-proposed solutions.

Rethinking Formal Models of Partially Observable Multiagent Decision Making

no code implementations26 Jun 2019 Vojtěch Kovařík, Martin Schmid, Neil Burch, Michael Bowling, Viliam Lisý

A second issue is that while EFGs have recently seen significant algorithmic progress, their classical formalization is unsuitable for efficient presentation of the underlying ideas, such as those around decomposition.

counterfactual Decision Making +1

Value Functions for Depth-Limited Solving in Zero-Sum Imperfect-Information Games

no code implementations31 May 2019 Vojtěch Kovařík, Dominik Seitz, Viliam Lisý, Jan Rudolf, Shuo Sun, Karel Ha

We provide a formal definition of depth-limited games together with an accessible and rigorous explanation of the underlying concepts, both of which were previously missing in imperfect-information games.


Approximation capability of neural networks on sets of probability measures and tree-structured data

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Tomáš Pevný, Vojtěch Kovařík

This paper extends the proof of density of neural networks in the space of continuous (or even measurable) functions on Euclidean spaces to functions on compact sets of probability measures.


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