Search Results for author: Wei-Ya Ren

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Potential Field Guided Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations12 Jun 2020 Wei-Ya Ren

Secondly, we combine the reward-based critic with a potential-field-based critic to formulate the proposed potential field guided actor-critic reinforcement learning approach (actor-critic-2).

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Study of dynamical system based obstacle avoidance via manipulating orthogonal coordinates

no code implementations14 Feb 2019 Wei-Ya Ren

A orthogonal coordinates manipulating approach is proposed by introducing rotating matrix to solve the local minimal problem and provide more reasonable motions in 3-D or higher dimension space.

Crowd collectiveness measure via graph-based node clique learning

no code implementations19 Dec 2016 Wei-Ya Ren

In this paper, we try to measure the collectiveness of a crowd system by the proposed node clique learning method.

Robust Dictionary based Data Representation

no code implementations11 Dec 2015 Wei-Ya Ren

This assumption is enforced in this paper by investigating the coefficients of corrupted samples.

Agglomerative clustering and collectiveness measure via exponent generating function

no code implementations30 Jul 2015 Wei-Ya Ren, Shuo-Hao Li, Qiang Guo, Guo-Hui Li, Jun Zhang

A novel agglomerative clustering method is proposed by utilizing the path integral to define the affinity measure.


Semi-supervised Data Representation via Affinity Graph Learning

no code implementations13 Feb 2015 Wei-Ya Ren

We incorporate the new Laplacian regularizer into the unsupervised data representation to smooth the low dimensional representation of data and make use of label information.

Graph Learning

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