Drosophila Immunity Time-Course Data

The data used for all results in this paper can be found here. This directory contains:

  • GeneData.csv: Contains temporal gene expression measurements for 1735 genes at 17 time points. Measurements are provided as the $\log_2$-fold change from first time point. Hours corresponding to each time point are defined in the R script 3_Results.R in our GitHub repository. This dataset is derived from a larger gene expression dataset collected by Schlamp et al. (2021).
  • PriorMatrix.csv: A 1735 x 1735 prior adjacency matrix. Each entry is 0, 1, or NA to indicate that a biological relationship between the corresponding two genes is unlikely, likely, or unknown according to external databases.

Further details about the collection of this data can be found in Section 4.1 and Appendix C of our paper. The R script 3_Results.R shows how these CSV files are read and used for our analysis.


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