
The H01 dataset is a 1.4 petabyte rendering of a small sample of human brain tissue, released by a collaboration between the Lichtman Laboratory at Harvard University and Google. The H01 sample was imaged at 4nm-resolution by serial section electron microscopy, reconstructed and annotated by automated computational techniques, and analyzed for preliminary insights into the structure of the human cortex.

The dataset comprises imaging data that covers roughly one cubic millimeter of brain tissue, and includes tens of thousands of reconstructed neurons, millions of neuron fragments, 130 million annotated synapses, 104 proofread cells, and many additional subcellular annotations and structures. H01 is thus far the largest sample of brain tissue imaged and reconstructed in this level of detail, in any species, and the first large-scale study of synaptic connectivity in the human cortex that spans multiple cell types across all layers of the cortex. The primary goals of this project are to produce a novel resource for studying the human brain and to improve and scale the underlying connectomics technologies.

The dataset can be browsed online using the Neuroglancer browser interface.

Paper: A connectomic study of a petascale fragment of human cerebral cortex

Source: A Browsable Petascale Reconstruction of the Human Cortex


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