IndicCorp is a large monolingual corpora with around 9 billion tokens covering 12 of the major Indian languages. It has been developed by discovering and scraping thousands of web sources - primarily news, magazines and books, over a duration of several months.

Languages covered: Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu

Corpus Format: The corpus is a single large text file containing one sentence per line. The publicly released version is randomly shuffled, untokenized and deduplicated.


Language # News Articles* Sentences Tokens Link
as 0.60M 1.39M 32.6M link
bn 3.83M 39.9M 836M link
en 3.49M 54.3M 1.22B link
gu 2.63M 41.1M 719M link
hi 4.95M 63.1M 1.86B link
kn 3.76M 53.3M 713M link
ml 4.75M 50.2M 721M link
mr 2.31M 34.0M 551M link
or 0.69M 6.94M 107M link
pa 2.64M 29.2M 773M link
ta 4.41M 31.5M 582M link
te 3.98M 47.9M 674M link

* Excluding articles obtained from the OSCAR corpus


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