
Introduced by Joshi et al. in ISLTranslate: Dataset for Translating Indian Sign Language

Sign languages are the primary means of communication for a large number of people worldwide. Recently, the availability of Sign language translation datasets have facilitated the incorporation of Sign language research in the NLP community. Though a wide variety of research focuses on improving translation systems for sign language, the lack of ample annotated resources hinders research in the data driven natural language processing community. In this resource paper, we introduce ISLTranslate, a translation dataset for continuous Indian Sign Language (ISL), consisting of 30k ISL-English sentence pairs. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first and largest translation dataset for continuous Indian Sign Language with corresponding English transcripts. We provide a detailed analysis of the dataset and examine the distribution of words and phrases covered in the proposed dataset. To validate the performance of existing end-to-end Sign language to spoken language translation systems, we benchmark the created dataset with multiple existing state-of-the-art systems for sign languages.


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