The SEED-VIG dataset is composed of four parts. EEG features include: EEG_Feature_2Hz: EEG features (power spectral density: PSD, differential entropy: DE) from the total frequency band (1~50 Hz) with a 2 Hz frequency resolution. The fields "psd_movingAve", "psd_LDS", "de_movingAve", and "de_LDS" indicate PSD with a moving average, PSD with a linear dynamic system, DE with a moving average, and DE with a linear dynamic system, respectively. The data format is channelsample_numberfrequency_bands (1788525). The first 1–5 in the first dimension 'channel' correspond to temporal brain areas, and the last 7–17 correspond to posterior brain areas. EEG_Feature_5Bands: This part is similar to the EEG_feature_2Hz file except that EEG features (PSD, DE) are extracted from five frequency bands: delta (1~4 Hz), theta (4~8 Hz), alpha (8~14 Hz), beta (14~31 Hz), and gamma (31~50 Hz). The data format is channelsample numberfrequency bands (178855). Forehead EEG feature files have a similar architecture to EEG features, but there are only four channels for the data tensor (488525 and 48855). EOG features. The fields "features_table_ica", "features_table_minus", and "features_table_icav_minh" indicate forehead EOG features that correspond to different VEO and HEO separation methods using ICA and minus approaches. The data format is sample numberfeature dimension (88536). The PERCLOS label files contain continuous vigilance labels (ranging from 0 to 1) calculated from eye tracking data.
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