Summaries of genetic variation

Introduced by Nunes et al. in On Optimal Selection of Summary Statistics for Approximate Bayesian Computation

The dataset represents data generated from a commonly used model in population genetics. It comprises a matrix of 1,000,000 rows and 9 columns, representing parameters and summaries generated by an infinite-sites coalescent model for genetic variation. The first two columns encode the scaled mutation rate (theta) and scaled recombination rate (rho). The subsequent seven columns are data summaries: number of segregating sites (C1), standard uniform random noise acting as a distractor (C2), pairwise mean number of nucleotidic differences (C3), mean $R^2$ across pairs separated by <10% of the simulated genomic regions (C4), number of distinct haplotypes (C5), frequency of the most common haplotype (C6), number of singleton haplotypes (C7).

(this text is not original and adapted from


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