TNCR Dataset (Table Net Detection and Classification Dataset)

Introduced by Abdallah et al. in TNCR: Table Net Detection and Classification Dataset

We present TNCR, a new table dataset with varying image quality collected from free open source websites. TNCR dataset can be used for table detection in scanned document images and their classification into 5 different classes.

TNCR contains 9428 high-quality labeled images. In this paper, we have implemented state-of-the-art deep learning-based methods for table detection to create several strong baselines. Cascade Mask R-CNN with ResNeXt-101-64x4d Backbone Network achieves the highest performance compared to other methods with a precision of 79.7%, recall of 89.8%, and f1 score of 84.4% on the TNCR dataset. We have made TNCR open source in the hope of encouraging more deep learning approaches to table detection, classification and structure recognition.


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