
Introduced by Pasupat et al. in Compositional Semantic Parsing on Semi-Structured Tables

WikiTableQuestions is a question answering dataset over semi-structured tables. It is comprised of question-answer pairs on HTML tables, and was constructed by selecting data tables from Wikipedia that contained at least 8 rows and 5 columns. Amazon Mechanical Turk workers were then tasked with writing trivia questions about each table. WikiTableQuestions contains 22,033 questions. The questions were not designed by predefined templates but were hand crafted by users, demonstrating high linguistic variance. Compared to previous datasets on knowledge bases it covers nearly 4,000 unique column headers, containing far more relations than closed domain datasets and datasets for querying knowledge bases. Its questions cover a wide range of domains, requiring operations such as table lookup, aggregation, superlatives (argmax, argmin), arithmetic operations, joins and unions.

Source: Explaining Queries over Web Tables to Non-Experts


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