KITTI (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Toyota Technological Institute) is one of the most popular datasets for use in mobile robotics and autonomous driving. It consists of hours of traffic scenarios recorded with a variety of sensor modalities, including high-resolution RGB, grayscale stereo cameras, and a 3D laser scanner. Despite its popularity, the dataset itself does not contain ground truth for semantic segmentation. However, various researchers have manually annotated parts of the dataset to fit their necessities. Álvarez et al. generated ground truth for 323 images from the road detection challenge with three classes: road, vertical, and sky. Zhang et al. annotated 252 (140 for training and 112 for testing) acquisitions – RGB and Velodyne scans – from the tracking challenge for ten object categories: building, sky, road, vegetation, sidewalk, car, pedestrian, cyclist, sign/pole, and fence. Ros et al. labeled 170 training images and 46 testing images (from the visual odome
The NCLT dataset is a large scale, long-term autonomy dataset for robotics research collected on the University of Michigan’s North Campus. The dataset consists of omnidirectional imagery, 3D lidar, planar lidar, GPS, and proprioceptive sensors for odometry collected using a Segway robot. The dataset was collected to facilitate research focusing on long-term autonomous operation in changing environments. The dataset is comprised of 27 sessions spaced approximately biweekly over the course of 15 months. The sessions repeatedly explore the campus, both indoors and outdoors, on varying trajectories, and at different times of the day across all four seasons. This allows the dataset to capture many challenging elements including: moving obstacles (e.g., pedestrians, bicyclists, and cars), changing lighting, varying viewpoint, seasonal and weather changes (e.g., falling leaves and snow), and long-term structural changes caused by construction projects.
Mapillary Vistas Dataset is a diverse street-level imagery dataset with pixel‑accurate and instance‑specific human annotations for understanding street scenes around the world.
The largest and most diverse dataset for lifelong place recognition from image sequences in urban and suburban settings.
The Oxford RobotCar Dataset contains over 100 repetitions of a consistent route through Oxford, UK, captured over a period of over a year. The dataset captures many different combinations of weather, traffic and pedestrians, along with longer term changes such as construction and roadworks.
DDD17 has over 12 h of a 346x260 pixel DAVIS sensor recording highway and city driving in daytime, evening, night, dry and wet weather conditions, along with vehicle speed, GPS position, driver steering, throttle, and brake captured from the car's on-board diagnostics interface.
GSV-Cities is a large-scale dataset for training deep neural network for the task of Visual Place Recognition.
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AmsterTime dataset offers a collection of 2,500 well-curated images matching the same scene from a street view matched to historical archival image data from Amsterdam city. The image pairs capture the same place with different cameras, viewpoints, and appearances. Unlike existing benchmark datasets, AmsterTime is directly crowdsourced in a GIS navigation platform (Mapillary). In turn, all the matching pairs are verified by a human expert to verify the correct matches and evaluate the human competence in the Visual Place Recognition (VPR) task for further references.
The Retrieval-SFM dataset is used for instance image retrieval. The dataset contains 28559 images from 713 locations in the world. Each image has a label indicating the location it belongs to. Most locations are famous man-made architectures such as palaces and towers, which are relatively static and positively contribute to visual place recognition. The training dataset contains various perceptual changes including variations in viewing angles, occlusions and illumination conditions, etc.
The KITTI360Pose dataset encompasses a total area of 15.51 square kilometers across nine urban regions, consisting of 43,381 point cloud- text pairs.
Test set version 1 for the San Francisco eXtra Large dataset
ALTO is a vision-focused dataset for the development and benchmarking of Visual Place Recognition and Localization methods for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The dataset is composed of two long (approximately 150km and 260km) trajectories flown by a helicopter over Ohio and Pennsylvania, and it includes high precision GPS-INS ground truth location data, high precision accelerometer readings, laser altimeter readings, and RGB downward facing camera imagery.The dataset also comes with reference imagery over the flight paths, which makes this dataset suitable for VPR benchmarking and other tasks common in Localization, such as image registration and visual odometry.
Test set version 2 for the San Francisco eXtra Large dataset
CV-Cities comprises $223,736$ ground panoramic images and an equal number of satellite images all accompanied by high-precision GPS coordinates. These images represent sixteen representative cities across five continents. The ground images are $360^{\circ}$ panorama images with a resolution of $4,096 \times 2,048$ pixels, while the resolution of satellite images is $746 \times 746$ pixels, and are captured at a zoom level of $20$. The spatial resolution is $0.298 m$, corresponding to a latitude and longitude range of $0.002 \times 0.002^{\circ}$ (about $222 \times 222 m$). The images of each city in the dataset can be used for training and testing purposes.
The San Francisco Landmark Dataset contains a database of 1.7 million images of buildings in San Francisco with ground truth labels, geotags, and calibration data, as well as a difficult query set of 803 cell phone images taken with a variety of different camera phones. The data is originally acquired by vehicle-mounted cameras with wide-angle lenses capturing spherical panoramic images. For all visible buildings in each panorama, a set of overlapping perspective images is generated.
This dataset presents a vision and perception research dataset collected in Rome, featuring RGB data, 3D point clouds, IMU, and GPS data. We introduce a new benchmark targeting visual odometry and SLAM, to advance the research in autonomous robotics and computer vision. This work complements existing datasets by simultaneously addressing several issues, such as environment diversity, motion patterns, and sensor frequency. It uses up-to-date devices and presents effective procedures to accurately calibrate the intrinsic and extrinsic of the sensors while addressing temporal synchronization. During recording, we cover multi-floor buildings, gardens, urban and highway scenarios. Combining handheld and car-based data collections, our setup can simulate any robot (quadrupeds, quadrotors, autonomous vehicles). The dataset includes an accurate 6-dof ground truth based on a novel methodology that refines the RTK-GPS estimate with LiDAR point clouds through Bundle Adjustment. All sequences divi
In order to collect thermal aerial data, we used FLIR's Boson thermal imager (8.7 mm focal length, 640p resolution, and $50^\circ$ horizontal field of view)\footnote{\url{}}. The collected images are nadir at approx. 1m/px spatial resolution. We performed six flights from 9:00 PM to 4:00 AM and label this dataset as \textbf{Boson-nighttime}, accordingly. To create a single map, we first run a structure-from-motion (SfM) algorithm to reconstruct the thermal map from multiple views. Subsequently, orthorectification is performed by aligning the photometric satellite maps with thermal maps at the same spatial resolution. The ground area covered by Boson-nighttime measures $33~\text{km}{^2}$ in total. The most prevalent map feature is the desert, with small portions of farms, roads, and buildings.
Cross-View Geo-Localisation within urban regions is challenging in part due to the lack of geo-spatial structuring within current datasets and techniques. We propose utilising graph representations to model sequences of local observations and the connectivity of the target location. Modelling as a graph enables generating previously unseen sequences by sampling with new parameter configurations. SpaGBOL contains 98,855 panoramic streetview images across different seasons, and 19,771 corresponding satellite images from 10 mostly densely populated international cities. This translates to 5 panoramic images and one satellite image per graph node. Downloading instructions below.
FAS100K is a large-scale visual localization dataset. This dataset is comprised of two traverses of 238 and 130 kms respectively where the latter is a partial repeat of the former. The data was collected using stereo cameras in Australia under sunny day conditions. It covers a variety of road and environment types including urban and rural areas. The raw image data from one of the cameras streaming at 5 Hz constitutes 63,650 and 34,497 image frames for the two traverses respectively.
GTA-UAV dataset provides a large continuous area dataset (covering 81.3km<sup>2</sup>) for UAV visual geo-localization, expanding the previously aligned drone-satellite pairs to arbitrary drone-satellite pairs to better align with real-world application scenarios. Our dataset contains:
HPointLoc is a dataset designed for exploring capabilities of visual place recognition in indoor environment and loop detection in simultaneous localization and mapping. It is based on the popular Habitat simulator from 49 photorealistic indoor scenes from the Matterport3D dataset and contains 76,000 frames.
The NAVER LABS localization datasets are 5 new indoor datasets for visual localization in challenging real-world environments. They were captured in a large shopping mall and a large metro station in Seoul, South Korea, using a dedicated mapping platform consisting of 10 cameras and 2 laser scanners. In order to obtain accurate ground truth camera poses, we used a robust LiDAR SLAM which provides initial poses that are then refined using a novel structure-from-motion based optimization. The datasets are provided in the kapture format and contain about 130k images as well as 6DoF camera poses for training and validation. We also provide sparse Lidar-based depth maps for the training images. The poses of the test set are withheld to not bias the benchmark.
NYU-VPR is a dataset for Visual place recognition (VPR) that contains more than 200,000 images over a 2km×2km area near the New York University campus, taken within the whole year of 2016.