🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
Open Vocabulary Object Detection Real-Time Object Detection +1
In this work, we take the first step to exploit the pre-trained (unfine-tuned) weights to mitigate backdoors in fine-tuned language models.
Most end-to-end (E2E) speech recognition models are composed of encoder and decoder blocks that perform acoustic and language modeling functions.
It is our hope that this paper acts as both a technical overview of the original GPT4All models as well as a case study on the subsequent growth of the GPT4All open source ecosystem.
Large language models (LLMs) have transformed the way we think about language understanding and generation, enthralling both researchers and developers.
In this paper, we show an avenue for aligning language models with user intent on a wide range of tasks by fine-tuning with human feedback.
By contrast, humans can generally perform a new language task from only a few examples or from simple instructions - something which current NLP systems still largely struggle to do.
Ranked #1 on Question Answering on CoQA (Overall metric)