Attention Modules

Cross-Scale Non-Local Attention, or CS-NL, is a non-local attention module for image super-resolution deep networks. It learns to mine long-range dependencies between LR features to larger-scale HR patches within the same feature map. Specifically, suppose we are conducting an s-scale super-resolution with the module, given a feature map $X$ of spatial size $(W, H)$, we first bilinearly downsample it to $Y$ with scale $s$, and match the $p\times p$ patches in $X$ with the downsampled $p \times p$ candidates in $Y$ to obtain the softmax matching score. Finally, we conduct deconvolution.on the score by weighted adding the patches of size $\left(sp, sp\right)$ extracted from $X$. The obtained $Z$ of size $(sW, sH)$ will be $s$ times super-resolved than $X$.

Source: Image Super-Resolution with Cross-Scale Non-Local Attention and Exhaustive Self-Exemplars Mining


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Super-Resolution 1 50.00%


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