
Entropy Minimized Ensemble of Adapters

Introduced by Wang et al. in Efficient Test Time Adapter Ensembling for Low-resource Language Varieties

Entropy Minimized Ensemble of Adapters, or EMEA, is a method that optimizes the ensemble weights of the pretrained language adapters for each test sentence by minimizing the entropy of its predictions. The intuition behind the method is that a good adapter weight $\alpha$ for a test input $x$ should make the model more confident in its prediction for $x$, that is, it should lead to lower model entropy over the input

Source: Efficient Test Time Adapter Ensembling for Low-resource Language Varieties


Paper Code Results Date Stars


Task Papers Share
Machine Translation 1 14.29%
NMT 1 14.29%
Translation 1 14.29%
Cross-Lingual Transfer 1 14.29%
Named Entity Recognition (NER) 1 14.29%
Part-Of-Speech Tagging 1 14.29%
Sentence 1 14.29%


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