Hierarchical Information Threading

Introduced by Narvala et al. in Effective Hierarchical Information Threading Using Network Community Detection

An unsupervised approach for identifying Hierarchical Information Threads by analysing the network of related articles in a collection. In particular, HINT leverages article timestamps and the 5W1H questions to identify related articles about an event or discussion. HINT then constructs a network representation of the articles, and identify threads as strongly connected hierarchical network communities.

Source: Effective Hierarchical Information Threading Using Network Community Detection


Paper Code Results Date Stars


Task Papers Share
Language Modelling 8 6.72%
Language Modeling 7 5.88%
Hint Generation 6 5.04%
Large Language Model 5 4.20%
Sentence 3 2.52%
Retrieval 3 2.52%
Sentiment Analysis 2 1.68%
Arithmetic Reasoning 2 1.68%
Decoder 2 1.68%


Component Type
🤖 No Components Found You can add them if they exist; e.g. Mask R-CNN uses RoIAlign
