Knowledge Distillation

Learning From Multiple Experts is a self-paced knowledge distillation framework that aggregates the knowledge from multiple 'Experts' to learn a unified student model. Specifically, the proposed framework involves two levels of adaptive learning schedules: Self-paced Expert Selection and Curriculum Instance Selection, so that the knowledge is adaptively transferred to the 'Student'. The self-paced expert selection automatically controls the impact of knowledge distillation from each expert, so that the learned student model will gradually acquire the knowledge from the experts, and finally exceed the expert. The curriculum instance selection, on the other hand, designs a curriculum for the unified model where the training samples are organized from easy to hard, so that the unified student model will receive a less challenging learning schedule, and gradually learns from easy to hard samples.

Source: Learning From Multiple Experts: Self-paced Knowledge Distillation for Long-tailed Classification


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Task Papers Share
General Classification 1 50.00%
Long-tail Learning 1 50.00%


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