Face Recognition Models

Negative Face Recognition

Introduced by Terhörst et al. in Unsupervised Enhancement of Soft-biometric Privacy with Negative Face Recognition

Negative Face Recognition, or NFR, is a face recognition approach that enhances the soft-biometric privacy on the template-level by representing face templates in a complementary (negative) domain. While ordinary templates characterize facial properties of an individual, negative templates describe facial properties that does not exist for this individual. This suppresses privacy-sensitive information from stored templates. Experiments are conducted on two publicly available datasets captured under controlled and uncontrolled scenarios on three privacy-sensitive attributes.

Source: Unsupervised Enhancement of Soft-biometric Privacy with Negative Face Recognition


Paper Code Results Date Stars


Task Papers Share
Classification 1 12.50%
Zero-Shot Learning 1 12.50%
3D Reconstruction 1 12.50%
Machine Translation 1 12.50%
NMT 1 12.50%
Sentence 1 12.50%
Translation 1 12.50%
Face Recognition 1 12.50%


Component Type
🤖 No Components Found You can add them if they exist; e.g. Mask R-CNN uses RoIAlign
