Non Maximum Suppression is a computer vision method that selects a single entity out of many overlapping entities (for example bounding boxes in object detection). The criteria is usually discarding entities that are below a given probability bound. With remaining entities we repeatedly pick the entity with the highest probability, output that as the prediction, and discard any remaining box where a $\text{IoU} \geq 0.5$ with the box output in the previous step.
Image Credit: Martin Kersner
Paper | Code | Results | Date | Stars |
Task | Papers | Share |
Object Detection | 196 | 25.93% |
Object | 105 | 13.89% |
Semantic Segmentation | 24 | 3.17% |
Real-Time Object Detection | 20 | 2.65% |
Instance Segmentation | 19 | 2.51% |
Pedestrian Detection | 15 | 1.98% |
Image Classification | 13 | 1.72% |
General Classification | 11 | 1.46% |
Classification | 10 | 1.32% |
Component | Type |
🤖 No Components Found | You can add them if they exist; e.g. Mask R-CNN uses RoIAlign |