Feedforward Networks

Position-Wise Feed-Forward Layer

Introduced by Vaswani et al. in Attention Is All You Need

Position-Wise Feed-Forward Layer is a type of feedforward layer consisting of two dense layers that applies to the last dimension, which means the same dense layers are used for each position item in the sequence, so called position-wise.

Source: Attention Is All You Need


Paper Code Results Date Stars


Task Papers Share
Language Modelling 45 5.12%
Decoder 32 3.64%
Semantic Segmentation 24 2.73%
Large Language Model 23 2.62%
Question Answering 21 2.39%
Image Classification 15 1.71%
Image Segmentation 14 1.59%
In-Context Learning 14 1.59%
Object Detection 14 1.59%
