
Retriever-Augmented Generation, or RAG, is a type of language generation model that combines pre-trained parametric and non-parametric memory for language generation. Specifically, the parametric memory is a pre-trained seq2seq model and the non-parametric memory is a dense vector index of Wikipedia, accessed with a pre-trained neural retriever. For query $x$, Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS) is used to find the top-K documents $z_{i}$. For final prediction $y$, we treat $z$ as a latent variable and marginalize over seq2seq predictions given different documents.

Source: Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks


Paper Code Results Date Stars


Task Papers Share
Retrieval 115 32.67%
Question Answering 45 12.78%
Language Modelling 24 6.82%
Information Retrieval 19 5.40%
Large Language Model 16 4.55%
Text Generation 10 2.84%
Open-Domain Question Answering 9 2.56%
Benchmarking 8 2.27%
Chatbot 5 1.42%
